Purple Prose Dildo

This is the recorded blog of a buttraep student who was playing a modified version of Super Azula Brothers 3 on her cumpooter. Shortly after submitting the last entry, she committed self-rape in her dorm room. Warning: the following can be considered Not Safe For Wanking.
June 6th, 2006
A fuck-buddy of mine recently sent me what he claims to be a scary Super Azula Brothers 3 hack that he wanted me to try out ('cause he's a little bitch.) I started this blog to record my progress through the gayme, because I have no friends. He got this from a site that’s been shut down by the Aizenati, and I’ve seen some pretty scary sheeut with emulator games before. Just look at BEN, trust me, this story is just like BEN, only better, I mean seriously, BEN is like My Immortal compared to this masterpiece. All of that shit aside, however, there was something definitely off about this ROM. Its title was SAB666:BHO. Anyschoo, I won’t play any today as I’m quite busy with buttsehcks and such, but I will definitely start tomorrow, but no now.
Okay, seriously, I'm doing another scary game, REALLY?! Didn't you peeps learn anything from 'HitLEr.exe', 'I SLIGHTLY DISLIKE YOU!' And others? And how the fuck am I even alive? I thought I became Azula's sex-slave in 'HitLEr.exe'!
June 60th, 2006
I played some of the game today. Obviously my friend was stoopid, as I have played all the way through 8-2 and have found nothing (no hyper-realistic semen, no dildos, etc). All of the sprites, levels, and sounds didn’t have a fluke to their name, thank fuck, maybe this time I'll get to play a NORMAL game for once! Wait… OH PLEASE GOD NO! A secret! Let me guess, it's a fucking dildo! I swear you guys, if it's a dido, I'm fucking rage qui- I’ll find the warp dildo tomorrow and see what sexy secrets this game has to hide. Look for tomorrow’s post, it'll be the ultimate fapping material. Maybe this will explain what the BHO in the title stands for...
June 600th, 2006
I wish I hadn’t uncocked that secret. This game will be the bane of my existence. I thought the darkness was my ally, but it turns out I had merely adopted the dark, this game was born in it, moulded by it. I’ll try as best as I can to explain WTF happened and what will certainly entail. I don’t know if any of you will believe me, but this sick mockery of one of my childhood ceaseless discharges and the unending brutality of this eternal cycle of depravity and despair must be excessivly meleed and never be seen by the anus of any other breathing man on Aizen’s turquoise earth. And Sokka (what I’ll call my friend for the sake of privacy and possibly virginity), DO NOT send this shit to anyone else, you cunt. You’ll see why below.
I entered the ballsack mountain stage. Knowing its only secret was the warp dildo, I disposed of a dry butts before donning SPESS MEHRHEEN Power Armor. With a running start I was flying above the stage until I hit the secret area. My whole life before I hit up on my arrow keypad was completely different. I was happy. I was normal. I could wake up in the morning recognizing my own reflection, well not really since I'm blind but whatever, I had cake. Now it’s lies. All lies. I know that as of what happened today, my life will become an infernal BDSM-filled hell in which every day will be a futile struggle to stop cumming. After finishing this wretched collage of electronic dejection filled with the unending transcendance of ubiquitous deplorability forever sucking on the penis of deception, I will embrace virginity like a long lost lover with open legs. But enough with the pretentious dialogue, let's get this shit over with.
The blocks that lined the wall were a bright albeit polished obsidian pink and sounded like they had no reason. Azula’s skin now had a bluish tint to it, but that wasn’t what was wrong with this shit. The music was a sped up version of the normal Lavender Town theme. Ty-Lee’s pussy was sore and filled with hyper-realistic semen, spilling jizz onto the floor and making the room slippery like an ice stage, seriously! This makes no sense! Semen is supposed to be sticky for fuck's sake! But perhaps this explains why I'm so fucking traumatized by this bullshit, I am a logical person after all.
Her butt was also agape and spewing semen onto the floor. The semen had an eerie, reflective quality that SHOULDN'T have been graphically impossible for an 666-bit game like Azula 3. I walked up to her to see what is is that she might say. What she had to offer is this:
Purple Prose Dildo.
I then ran towards the butt to see its contents. The butt was drenched in reflective, semen that was very realistic in a hyper sort of way of the same type emanated by the orifices and exposed tits of the sexy circus acrobat. Pressing onward, I entered the butt to discover its dark secret. Its twisted colon. I wasn’t prepared for the following events.
A jizz-soaked purple dildo ominously floated from what I now believe to be the deepest anus I've ever seen, yet Ty-Lee insisted that it was her first time, stupid whore. It vibrated twice as the normal dildo would. That, my fellow butt-slave, was the only normality of what I have fapped/schliked to today. It played a deep tune that I can’t get out of my head as I write this: Gangnam Style. The dildo descended, violently ramming into Azula's anus. she unleashed a semencurdling moan as it went into her butt and out of her mouth. This sound of true pleasure wasn’t 666-bit at all. It wasn’t even hentai-esque. It was the sound of unfiltered arousal, of utter ecstacy. Her expression reflected the same. To end my experience on this perverse version of something I never thought I'd ever be turned on by, but now as if posessed I can't help but masturbate to, Azula was transported to the Fap zone of the Purple Prose Dildo.
I call it this because it had only the cookie-cutter outline (mmm, cookies) of the queer island. The water consisted solely of the same semen aforementioned in my encounter with the dildo. Bananas and other phallic-shaped foods were scattered afloat near the shores. Turquoise menacing eyes glared at me between the waves, surfacing just to cast their rapetastic glance at Azula (or me, might as well, this shit always happens to me in these stories). All of the worlds were indicated by their respective numbers, and all of the dots were pink. At that point I noticed something elese fucked up, this time concerning the dot for world six hundred and sixty six. Beside it were two 666-bit patches of nipples that twisted and contorted in place, squirting out milk everywhere, or had it been semen all along? Without me pressing any buttons, the dildo stabbed Azula right in the pussy. This cued her to move to the world two million dot. Refusing to pay any further attention to the ultra-sexy things that surely await me in North Korea, I saved the game and ragequit. I have played more than enough of my fill for today.
I guess that I figured out the acronym BHO from the ROM title meant Purple Prose Dildo the hard way. Despite the perversion that plagues this perverse pervert that pervs around with pervertedness, I will continue to subject myself to this retardation for the sake of all of you, seriously, fuck you for making me play this.
There are over nine thousand people that have followed this blog in the two seconds that it’s been up. Fucking hell, I suppose that means I have to make more, I need the money that I will undoubtedly be recieving via ad revinue for doing this, I know that seems like a dickish thing to say but fuck it, I'm probably gonna end up being sodomised by Azula (again) by the end of this.
June 6,000th, 2006
Well, I did it. I managed to find more cool words in the thesaurus to continue this story long enough to play through world two million. I have come to the conclusion that whoever made this is a complete sick fuck (possibly Slaanesh). I mean seriously, think of the worst, most sexual fanfic you've ever read, this is a quadrillion times worse. Their only purpose in creating this mod was to mentally and psychologically sodomise the naïve soul poor enough to take the bait of its mysterious origin. Well, I’m certainly stoopid enough to fall into that category. I congress, to the experience mobile!
I find myself asking how I could have been so stoopid to not expect the shit that was about to happen in this world. I could believe what I was seeing. Semen of the same texture from before was just as splattered across the face of Kim Il Sung, whose name had been changed to Kim Il Fat. Pentagrams and other satanic symbols were also infrequent in the environment and the words "MCR ROX1111" and "FUK OF PREPZ" were written fucking everywhere. Could this hack be the work of Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way? As I wondered that a man wandered into my room and he turned out to have three nipples, he talked to me about the meaning of horror and then Leatherface was killed by a biplane for no reason.
OK, I really need to stop doing LSD before I play these stupid games. I need to finish this shit. Fried chicken littered the temple of Sung. There was a distinct disturbance in the force though. Azula looked starved and parched, as one would typically look after a few days in North Korea. Azula then moved into the 6-9 block without my command and the music began to play shortly after.
This was a reversed version of the Lavender Town theme. Fapping and other paranorman phenomena could be heard playing in harmony with the music, saying sexual things. After about a minute I began to record the sound. I’ll upload it as soon as never, but I know I definitely can’t do it today. One of the most fucked up things I kept hearing was “let the dildo fuck you” and “a voice muffled by my penis sounds the sweetest”. This turned me on needless to say, but this of all things wouldn’t prevent me from playing out the remainder of this game, 'cause I'm just dumb like that.
The stage itself was VERY sexy. The sky was bluish-blue accompanied by an almost blue sun. The colours weren’t dark or eery in the slightest. The monoliths were bright pink and decorated with hearts and flowers, and the wooden blocks were multicoloured and arranged in a rainbow pattern. Azula’s sprite was visibly horney and pleading for cum. The Mchikatunichi fixedly stared at me like a pedo stares at a school of fish, seeming to know who their next bitch was. The drunken expressions of the Ptchangernal had changed into ones of converged loath and bread. I had obtained the SPESS MEHREEN Armor by now, so I ran along the melee-looking platform and fucked off.
I fucked for a little while, which was nice. Azula’s face changed as well, being the normal bitchy smile you usually see throughout the entire series. I relished in the few moments of fappiness I sought from this game. These moments were mercilessly butt raped within the course of a few seconds. The sky flashed a rebecca black before the Purple Prose Dildo came and penetrated the poor Fire Nation Princess yet again. Azula fell, her conglomerate dispropulsion of excessive ubiquitous pestilence going limp until, with luck, she hit the ground.
She was miraculously, instanteniously and transcendantly alive, her body twitching in a feeble attempt to rise. Katara jumped on Azula and penetrated her using a nuclear strap-on, Azula was now pinned to the ground, moaning and pushing against Katara's force, she wanted to please Katara. Her moaning was so realistic, it sounded like someone in the next room was watching a porno with the volume turned up as far as it would go. It reeked of such ineffable arousal it turns me on to describe the sheer degree of sexual torture this character was put through, oooh, kinky <3. There she was. getting bummed and orgasming and there I sat, masturbating to what I thought was the sexiest thing I would ever see. I was so wrong.
Katara pulled off her energy-mask and was revealed to have been Kim Jong Un this whole time, I just couldn't conatain myself, the mere act of looking at the magnificant dear leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is enough to cause loss of virginity to all who meet his gaze, I screamed, then I creamed all over my computer monitor before passing out due to the intense sexiness of this man, who will forever be known as the sexiest man alive. I envied Azula.
When I came to, Azula was transported to one of the Fart Road levels. When the level started, the background was an egregious cat-filled mass of poop. Bursts of blue meth filled the sky with illumination of the Illuminati. Winged Mchikatunichi in flight were visible upon these strikes. Also in the skies glowed stagnantly lit bewbs and 69. Azula was being carried by two of Yhwach’s Sternritter up one of the game’s buttplug structures.
The butts were cracked and explosive diarrea shot fourth. The brothels were upside down with dried semen covering them. Nothing but a heavy fart beat and the sounds of the worst pop music ever conceived by man played in the background. The pop music didn’t play in unison with farting as happens in most games. There was an eerily hyper-realistic pause between the flare of the pop music and the boom of the fart. As the top of the structure was reached, I saw the most glourious thing yet.
Yhwach towered above everyone else, sitting on his throne LIKE A BAWSS! Below stood five of his bitches, two of which had carried Azula: Bambietta Basterbine, Giselle Gewelle, Liltotto Lamperd, Candice Catnipp and Meninas Mcallon. Above the entire scene were the words "Got Milk?" in bright purple, flashing neon letters. Yhwach’s glorious moustache had to have been like ten million times more glorious then I had ever seen it. His black cloak was now a hot pink, and his white outfit had been dipped in barbecue sauce. Barbecue sauce was fresh on his teeth also as his sexy tongue licked them, making clear his intentions on what to do with Azula after he had gotten freaky with her. It was then I came to a dooming realization.
Azula can’t cum. The game won’t let her. However many things fuck her, in however many ways her ring is destroyed, orgasm will not escape her. For a time, that is. She will continue to be sodomized by whatever corn flakes or oreos that drives the rest of the sporks to passing until the game’s eventual toast, in which she will have breakfast. Now that that has been said, to continue today’s fucked up shit.
Suddenly, Bambietta produced a bagal. It gleamed with uncanny realism in the light of the "Got Milk?" sign that loomed above. After a brief pause, she began to feed Azula the bagal. Azula began to eat, Bambietta was glad that she was enjoying her meal, Bambietta then produced Azula's favorate treat, apple pie. Tears of happiness streamed down her facet as Bambietta fed her the pie, grateful for the hospitality she was receiving she handed a piece to Yhwach, who ate it with a crunching chomp.
Okay, okay, hold the phone. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! I thought this was supposed to be a scary story, not a fucking tea party!
Okay, fine! We'll get back to the scary stuff, jeez! Said Liltotto.
With a bark from their horny King, the bitches shamelessly began to ram dildos up Azula's anus. As they were doing this, Azula slowly turned her head towards me and uttered a single question:
"Why the fuck did you have to go and ruin my tea party for?"
I myself asked the very same question. Why the fuck would I want this shit to continue happening? I've read this story myself, so I know what's going to happen to me in the end. Why would someone initiate the genesis of such a horrid contrived, pretentious, engulfing, consistantly explorative oliglpoly of conglomerate molestation and depraved brutality? A desolate waste of inecssant confirmation and ubiquitous extenuations of despair in which sex, drugs and rock n' roll have no meaning and are manipulates, an ultimatum of excessive degeneration consistantly reminding us of the animosity of human life, contained within this ceaseless electronic degradation in which concepts such as dominance and submission, sadism and masochism are completely ubiquitous?
It makes me shudder to think that there is someone sick enough out there to write this kind of unbearable story just to sit back and laugh as people read this and can't comprehend the retardation of this literary diarrea they are reading. It makes me absolutely sick to my core. So let's continue!
Oh, that reminds me of another thing. You’re probably wondering as to why I complacently talk about Azula as if she’s a human being. A human who suffers pain, sorrow, depression, starvation, and thirst like the rest of us. A human who is also capable of feeling happiness, remorse, goodwill and love like anyone else. It’s because I am thoroughly convinced that she is. Please, don’t stop following this blog, I need the money and I'm not crazy, honest! The writer of this story is just pretentious as fuck and thinks they are being artsy and saying more than they actually are.
I believe without a shadow of a doubt that inside this game is a character with a complex range of emotions, someone who feels like you and me. But it’s just a game right? It’s just a contrived mixture of code and data put together to present words and images, correct? Wrong. I know with everything inside of me that Azula has to be alive. I have seen her truly turned on and truly fucked silly, and at one point I may even see her truly high on Heisenberg's blue stuff. She feels like any other living, breathing human being.
I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter. I don’t know how something so human could rise from something so truly stoopid. A character with a soul seemed completely impossible to me before I played this hack (unless they're ginger). I now have a goal with this game: to keep this poor, sexy bitch safe. I suppose I now know the real truth. I’ll see you all tomorrow. Same bat place, same bat time.
June 60,000th, 2006
'sup bitches! I dreamed some really fucked up shit which may or may not have had something to do with this game that I'm playing that I could easily just stop playing, since it's clearly traumatising me but as you know, I'm a protagonist in a creepypasta, I'm contractually obligated to be stupid as fuck.
Some really weird shit also went down. Before I get into today’s foreplay, I’ll have to write it down here to stretch out the length of this story for another few paragraphs. I myself am getting fed up with the #spyplushie that I've ben seeing around my house, and what they mean for my seemingly inevitable untergang.
Before I spew out more pretentious bullshit, I have to let you in on a piece of irrelevant information. In the 4th grade, I used to play with a big purple dildo. Every kid had to learn some porno skill, and I liked dildos because of their method of play, appearance, and sound. Such is the irony of the toy that has caused me all of this grief. In my dream I was playing with the toy in a dark room.
I was my 4th grade self, just ramming it into my ass to the tune of the Benny Hill theme song. Out of nowhere, I began to cough. I had choked on some purple prose that had incessantly and ubiquitously materialized within and around my rod of pleasure. It covered it, and soon filled it. Purple prose began to deluge and exasperate in great quantity out of all of my holes. The dildo soon began to float in mid-air and hover. A few seconds passed, and then it struck me in the butt. It had impaled me, going directly through my colon.
I woke up, the sheets plastered to my bare chest with sweat. My ass wasn't sore or anything, understandably, it was only a dream, OR WAS IT?! Yeah, it was. As I sat there in bed, afraid of how I’m sure the game did this – or maybe i'm just fucking nuts, I don't know anymore – I began to hear noise coming from my faptop. It was closed, but a faint muffled humming sound was clearly audible. I then opened it up.
It was a picture of a Azula on a multicoloured backdrop. She was chained up by her legs and feet, and the chains reached outside of the screen. The Purple Prose Dildo sat as the centerpiece of it all, rammed up Azula's anus.
The vibrating noise of the Purple Prose Dildo played over and over, this made me shit myself and faint.
Now that the pointless filler is out of the way, time for the gameplay.
I was on the planet X level map. The water was none other than semen, what else did you expect? Mchikatunichi and Ptchangernal jumped out of the semen and there was something off about Azula’s map representation that I noticed right away, because I have no life. She had a ball gag in her mouth. Her skin had dulled a little from its prior shade of gray, now she has 50 shades of it. Her hair now had splotches of clunge all over it and she was wearing a French maid outfit. Without my or Azula’s control, needless to say, I was moved to the first undersemen stage.
A cocane white tint absorbed the entire screen. This was to be expected, unless your stoopid you know this shit is rife in my creppypoopsas. I swam down the left side of the level to get a fire cabbage. As soon as Azula got it her insanity went into an overdrive state.
She looked at me and said “Kill it with fire?” I confirmed her suspicions and then we went on a GTA-esque rampage. The Mchikatunichi cast malefecent gazes at Azula as she pulled out a minigun and blasted the cunts to smithereens, causing explosions everywhere, directed by Michael Bay. Her normal, bitch smile returned. So did mine. The epic shit that was clearly made for the trailer didn't last long, just like how in Transformers: Age of Extinction all the trailers and advertisements showed Grimlock and all the other Dinobots, yet they were only in the movie for a brief moment near the end of the film, seriously, fuck you Michael Bay, FUCK YOU!
There was a large Ptchangernal with rows of razor-sharp nipples. Azula’s expression changed back into its horny appearance that she has had for the majority of the game.
The Ptchangernal swam around from its position in top of us and began to ram its schlong down Azula's throat. By this time a group of Mchikatunichi had congregated around the entire scene. Their faps were deep and short. Azula’s unable body wobbled as she choked on the massive meat-sausage. When the Ptchangernal finally came, due to the overwhelming amount of cum brought fourth, Azula began to inflate, then burst like a balloon. After a couple of seconds Azula regenerated then went Super Sand Lesbian.
Bubbles stopped cumming from Azula’s mouth. She sucked in tons of semen, her hands around her neck. Her face began to grow death's touch sin. Getting royally pissed off, she began to blast the Mchikatunichi away using kamehameha. But since they kept respawning she just rage quit. I watched as Azula was, you guessed it, stabbed in the anus by the Purple Prose Dildo. I was like, "fuck this shit" and shut the game off. See you all tomorrow.
June 600,000th, 2006
Fanboy police gave me a visit today. Apparently one of you cunts reported my comments related to Michael Bay and claimed I was a hipster. I located the person who reported me and killed him. I also have an IP tracker, so don’t any of you dickbutts try that or I'll have to choke a bitch. Speaking of followers, 0.5? I had never expected this page to accumulate this many active viewers. Wherever this popularity came from, I am grateful to the point of sending you all nude selfies. Now for today’s shitstorm.
Mai’s letter appaered after the previous screen from Planet X faded out. She was shitting herself. Yhwach’s hand grabbed her butt, butt it was easy to see the arousal in her eyes. They darted left and right in stark, true blood. Yhwach continued to have that pervy look on his face as he groped her. But then everything changed when the read nation attacked.
Her eyes grew an ominous read as she kicked Yhwach’s in the balls with inhuman strength. She produced an Onion-zooka from her dress. Yhwach than began to wet himself in fear. Mai then proceeded to fire the Onion-zooka The text on the letter said only this: 
The letter scene was abruptly cut off and Azula found herself in a swamp surrounded by ...onions.
The stage had the usual shit of any level in this game. The sky was rebecca black and covered in symbols of the Aizenati. A reversed version of the Lavender Town theme once again played. The floor was made out of burger buns. And crack pipes were in various places. All of the enemies were replaced with Handsome Squidward. There was, oddly enough, a shitload of them. Squidwards danced around in a hyper-ritualistic manner. Azula was visibly turned on by the infinite beauty of Handsome Squidward. After avoiding them she came across Nicolas Cage.
He was regular in appearance. Nothing was outwardly off about him, "it is dangerous to go alone, take this" he said in his usual cagey way, he then handed me rhe Purple Prose Dildo. With all the endearing adversaries that were now consuming this world and everything I held dear within my dreams, I had no choice but to accept this deplorable token of dejection and utilise it to its utmost endeavors.
The on-screen foes turned into hot anime girls. They all suddenly piled on top of one another and started making sexula noises. After the first couple had did it, I realized What truly was going on. This was a mass orgy. Most of them just jumped into the nearest hole, but others performed incredible feats of sexual and medical possibility.
Cage spoke again, this time his voice sounded strange, almost like glass scratching on concrete. So naturally I couldn't understand what the fuck he was saying since glass and concrete can't make anything that sounds remotely like a human voice.
Witnessing all the sex really racked my butt. Sure it might be a game, but with the things this game has had to present to me I’m starting to lose my perception of virginity. I’m starting to wonder to myself is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? I hope not to see you all tomorrow. I don’t know how much more of this shit I can take, seriously, it's just the same shit over and over again! Shit the fuck!
June 6,000,000th, 2006
Today being Black Friday fits, because Rebecca Black was just eaten by an army of Llanguangernarglargerguazels. At least there are no more Michael Bay fanboys after me so far, which puts me at rest. As of today’s gameplay, I fear for my own virginity. I feel as if something fucked up is going to fucking rape me, so I have to swear a fucking lot so this mother fucker will cut himself on all the fucking edge. Never before has anything like this ever happened in creepypasta. Never before has anything electronic made anyone truly afraid, truly scared in creepypasta, THIS STORY IS TOTALLY ORIGINAL! I most likely will get no sleep tonight because of Joff Teh Krillor. Nothing in particular occurred, it’s just... feces.
I was in the middle of the Electric Boogaloo portion of world 666. The Lavender Town theme played, except it was drastically slow and demonic fapping was clearly audible. The fappening was almost the same as the ones I heard back in North Korea. Azula was outfitted with the gimp suit, which naturally suited the environment. There was nothing there except two things: A turquoise dot, and a Yu-Gi-Oh game.
The Yu-Gi-Oh game icon looked similar enough to its regular game clone, except the spell cards were referred to as 'hell cards' #2edgy4me. I chose to do the Yu-Gi-Oh game, hoping it would complantly serve as some formational existence of salvational reprieve from all this maddening mental degredation. But of course this woudn't be a creppypoopsa if everything was all roses and kittens so of course something fucked up happened...
Ty-Lee didn’t start twerking like normal. Instead, I was plunged into the rolling sluts. Beside the sluts was a risky scenario. Ty-Lee was tied up, bent over a table with a 5,000 foot rocket-powered dildo aimed straight at her ass. She looked at the camera with timid, teary eyes. She also was vigorously shaking her ass, butt nothing came of it. The entire picture engulfed, conpressed and extortently compelled me so much I didn’t even notice the sluts. I cautiously pressed them, trying as best I could to line them up given the stress of the situation. I suceeded. Nah, just kidding I fucked up as always, wouldn't be a creepypasta without people suffering and without edgy blood, or in this case semen.
The dildo launched into Ty-Lee's anus with xtreme speed. Ty-Lee was penetrated right then and there. Her anal juices and blood did a couple of spins in the air before landing in a conveniently placed nearby basket. The initial spins flayed Necrons across the rainbow room. Butter filled the basket and filled it up, Ty-Lee’s spraying butt-sauce from her destroyed anus. Out of nowhere, the Purple Prose Dildo descended down from the drakeness of hell itself, culminating with the fury of all those fated to meet destiny's end with the blackness of darkness beyond all mortal and immortal beings alike and transcended Ty-Lee's loosened anus. The scene faded out and back to the map. I was moved to the only remaining destination in world 666.
Azula stood before a possessed Ty-Lee. She was wearing a smexy dominatrix outfit splattered with butter and barbecue sauce. Her eyes gleamed gleam, the Engurangerlahrals casting a sexually maniacal allure to her appearance. Katara and Mai were tied to giant fried chicken wings and looked like they were shitting bricks. Toph, for some reason, didn’t appear anywhere in this game (maybe it's because I'm fucking playing the game you dimwits). Ty-Lee brandished a sizable strap-on dildo. She walked over to Katara and looked her in the eyes.
Technical limitations slightly hindered the interpretation of what events passed, yet I was able to know perfectly what happened every other time before this?! This story is STUPID! Through her gag, Katara pleaded with Ty-Lee not to destroy her anus. She pressed the dildo up against Katara's sweet booty. Katora was obviously bricking it.
“It's time to take your temperature” Ty-Lee whispered.
Ty-Lee rammed the dildo up Quatara's butthole causing her to orgism almost instanteniously, sending a torrent of sploosh and rice cakes everywhere. Ty-Lee then did the same to Mai only this time it was a torrent of oil and My Chemical Romance CDs that shot out of Mai's emo ass. Azula just stood there watching Ty-Lee mercilessly fuck the ever-living shite out of her two hoes.
Azula's face soon contorted into one of absolute arousal. She had no ideer that Ty-Lee could be such a dominatrix, Azula had always imagined that if she and Ty-Lee were to hook up that she would be the one wearing the trousers but now, since Ty-Lee had been taken over by Freddy Fazbeer, it looked like Tai-Li would be teh one to wear those oh so glorious trousers. Ty-Lee then came at Azula.
“Hey bitch” she said as she toyed with the strap-on.
“It's time for you to experience the ultimate in anal annihalation!”
I tried to move Azula but of course nothing happened, seriously I don't know what I was expecting to happen, I thought this dumb game would cut me a break with all these cliches.
Azula gave in to her most basic primal urges and collapsed onto her hands and knees, offering herself to Ty-Wii, she spread her butt cheeks for Ty-Lee as she penetrated her butthole. Inch by inch Azula was claimed, Ty-Lee continued to pound dat ass harder and harder, Azula cried out for mercy but her cries fell upon deaf ears as Ty-Leo continued to mercilessly pound her ass (without lube might I add). Katara and Mai looked upon what was now happeining to Assula and were moved to tears by the absolute beauty of what they were bearing witness to, Azalea herself began to cry tears of joy, tears of serenity as Ty-Lee let out a mighty moan and filled Azula's butt with her love. Azula passed out onto the bathroom floor as a single tear rolled down her face.
As Azula became conscious once more Ty-Lee then grabbed the Purple Prose Dildo and forced it down Azula's throat, Azilla then spoke to me (how she was able to do this with a dildo down her throat was beyond me).
“Do not let your life be as sexy as mine was. I do not hold any reservations at McDonalds, as you tried your best to keep my anus un-esploded. Good bye, Toph, and good cluck." The vibrating of the Purple Prose Dildo continued to play as the screen panned out of Azula’s butt.
How she knew my name is Toph continues to bamboozle me. How she could have such depth within her anus. I don’t know whether this is a result of the game being as fucked as it truly is, I mean seriously, this is like one of those videos that goes on one of those shock sites, that's how fucked this is. Someone’s could have been captured inside of this rom but that would be pretty fucking stupid wouldn't it? Whatever the reason of this, of everything that has come to pass with this abomination, I am glad this shit's finally ogre.
Ty-Lee is love.
Ty-Lee is life.
This blog was the last recorded statement of Toph before her virginity was taken.
Her roommate discovered her four hours after she made the last post. Toph committed self-rape using a big purple dildo that she plunged into her anus.
NAH! JK! JK! We need Toph's virginity alive just in case we decide to make another one of these creppypoopsas.